Saturday, February 1, 2014

January 29 2014 Session

I dislike the fae. I don’t quite understand where they came from or what they see their progression to be. I believe their existence is tied that of this planet’s natural cycle and they cannot break free of it, although they seem to exist outside of the normal mortal cycles. There’s stories of them coming from another realm, a “fairy land” as it were, but I’ve never seen it myself. Why they would choose to remain in this plane of existence and not their home one baffles me.

Even more baffling, however, is their physical dependence on human language. This would imply that they are a either a species younger than humanity or the species humanity grew out of. But more on that later.   

After emergency services interrupted my meeting with officer Eddie Mack, I found myself at Robin’s house. I had heard of Robin through various school social networks - students transferring in mid semester are highly unusual and word gets around - but hadn’t met the girl myself.

 Leanansidhe, though, had arrived at the house before me. While Robin’s house wasn’t in Leaside proper, Leanansidhe’s presence in Rosedale was far too close to my domain for my tastes. I told her of my displeasure and Leanansidhe told me she would leave if I escorted her associates from the building.

By that time, however, the Red Cap had long since left (Who would invite Red Cap to a teen house party?! Augh! That guy creeps me out!). There were still faint lingering traces of his presence around the house. Tracing them back to Red Cap showed me a vision of him and Low Key, in full spider-mode, making a pact to destroy Robin.

I had no idea what the girl did to piss Low Key off, but I will not stand for anyone supernatural making vows to murder mortals in my domain. Robin, however, was missing, having left the party with Vincent. Israel was still at the house, escorting both Megan and Trisha out to safety. Yeah, I didn’t ask.

When I told Israel that we had a situation to fix, he corrected me and said that I had a situation to fix. He was partly right, I realized. Low Key was a shithead who tried to kill my friend and frame it as suicide over something childish. My failure to deal with that problem properly and instead insisting that Low Key admit the truth himself caused him to build a lie that grew so large that it controlled him and drove him mad.

But the truth is more powerful than a lie... right? That’s the foundation of the universe.

Israel added, though, that there is a point of no return when a person makes a choice they can’t morally recover from. Because Low Key was journeying down that path, Israel offered to help me find and protect Robin.

We went to Vincent’s place, where Vincent and Robin were holed up in a massive library. A library in a house that wasn’t easily defendable, not that I have lots of practice with sieges. I couldn’t even protect my own radio station from teens with baseball bats. Israel and I explained to Vincent the pact that Low Key with Red Cap and Israel suggested that we fall back to an old church that he knew of.  

I suppose the idea of four teenagers prepping for a supernatural military strike seems ridiculous, but I had seen the Red Cap in action before. The creature could toss cars around without breaking a sweat. Robin tried to talk Low Key down from attacking the church through a sound system I rigged up. It worked for a brief second before Low Key pressed on with the attack.

The Red Cap arrived in the church with Ardath, of all people, at his side. I had put together before that Ardath had a casual interest in the Red Cap, but the change in Ardath’s appearance implied that things with the fae had progressed into something more serious.

Vincent, Israel and I tried to negotiate with Ardath to get Red Cap to call off the attack on Robin. It was explained that Red Cap made a promise to Low Key to destroy Robin and breaking that promise would be a major fae faux pas, showing both physical and social weakness. Ardath refused to allow that to happen.    

This is the part of fae that I don’t understand. They consider themselves to be above mortals, but they allow themselves bound to phases of mortal language. Further, I can’t understand why Ardath would allow himself to submit and join such nonsense.  

For all of the build up, the actual battle was over quickly. Low Key tried to attack Robin, but Israel laid waste to him before he could touch her. With his dying breath, Low Key screamed out some nonsense, but it didn’t seem to make anything happen. I spoke to Low Key’s spider forces and told them that violent actions like these were outside of their true nature, breaking whatever hold that Low Key had over them. Vincent and Red Cap were locked in combat until Low Key’s death. Red Cap, no longer bound to that stupid promise, backed down when Robin pulled Vincent away from the fight.

In the aftermath, there was news on the police scanner about a house fire at Vincent’s address. From what I could piece together after, Vincent had asked his demon to call off a SWAT team attack that Low Key had planned. In exchange, the demon took Vincent’s home and the lives of Vincent’s adopted family. I do not think that Vincent got the better half of that deal. I have not asked him his thoughts on it. I have heard he’s moved in with Robin for the time being.    

Further, I found out that the SWAT team included Officer Mack. That ended my business relationship with the man - he had allowed himself to become corrupted by a force of madness. He’s tried to call me since, but I don’t return the calls.

I dismissed Low Key’s spider army out of guilt. Told them to go off, find themselves and find their true purpose in life. One of them, a rather small and weak one, came back to me several days later and now lives around my house. I named it Nellie. I don’t think it understood the joke.     

Israel took Low Key’s body and buried it behind the church. I offered to help, but Israel rejected my offer. I have not talked to him about that either.

I am not sure what to make of these events.

That Low Key’s motives were originated from a lie should have been doomed him much earlier, rather than snowballed so out of control that it nearly killed all of us. Further, his madness seems to be tied to him rejecting his mortal form and completely becoming the monster.  

Robin being attached to Vincent worries me also. I wouldn’t be concerned about showing my true nature to people like Vincent and Israel. I am sure they have seen stranger things then myself. However, Robin is a mortal and mortals have very closed minded ideas on the nature of reality. The idea of being forced to show my true self to Robin scares me... and that’s the first time I’ve felt that way about a mortal. If I’m lucky, Vincent doesn’t want to speak to me again and will suggest that Robin also avoid me.   

Leanansidhe’s interest in me makes me uncomfortable. I will not be subservient to another power, especially not fae. However, she brought Ardath into her fold. She’s probably considering if there’s an offer I can’t refuse.  

I suppose that saying I'm greatly confused sums up many of my feelings on what happened. Not knowing the right answer also bothers me.